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Y2 architectural studio, HKU

Fall 2020: Haotian Zhang

Fall 2021: Tianying Li

Teaching team: Chiara Oggioni, Su Chang, Yi Sun, Aron Tsang, Lidia Ratoi (coordinator 2022), John Lin (coordinator 2020-2021) 

This studio analyzes canonical houses of modernity to learn from the history in a dialogue with it through text, drawing, and model. Students decipher as much as represent, through which their personal agencies crystalize into a critical reading of the precedent building.

The journeys commenced with themes. In 2020, the studio was organized around "Door", the grammatic threshold between spaces in the house. In 2021, the studio focused on "Mirror", the oppositions that a house accommodates.

All works © FrankanLisa 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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